Case Studies

Quantitave Analysis – Max Diff Approach

  • August 7, 2023


A technology firm was preparing to launch a new smartphone model in a highly competitive market (for the lower income group). They designed a wide range of features, including camera quality, battery life, screen size, processing power, design aesthetics, and more. However, they were unsure about which features were most important to their potential customers.


After conducting the Max Diff Analysis, the firm obtained a clear understanding of feature preferences among their potential customers. The analysis provided insights into the relative importance of each feature. For example, they found that camera quality and battery life were consistently ranked as the most important features, while water resistance was relatively less important.


Max Diff Analysis proved to be an invaluable tool in prioritizing features for their upcoming smartphone. By understanding which features were most and least important to customers, they were able to allocate resources effectively, focusing on enhancing camera quality and battery life while not overly investing in relatively less crucial features like water resistance. This approach ultimately increased the likelihood of delivering a product that resonates well with their target market.

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